Vargus Microscope - Miniture Inserts

The Microscope line offers unique solutions for boring, chamfering, grooving and threading applications.

Features and Benefits

- High pressure coolant thru tools

- Better chip evacuation for secure machining

- Longer tool life

Left hand tools available upon request

Boring Inserts

Boring Inserts

With Chip Breaker

Boring Inserts

With Chip Former

Boring 20° Inserts 

Boring 90° Inserts

Boring and Profiling


Back Boring Inserts

Boring & Chamfering 45° Inserts

Square Grooving Inserts

Round Grooving Inserts

Pre-Part Off Inserts

Face Grooving Internal Inserts

Face Grooving External Inserts

Threading Inserts